Sunday, October 12, 2008

Laying out Franklin Park...last chance to share your pictures!

I am finally out of the woods with the new job in Salem and Franklin Park is starting to take a front seat for two need the diversion from running two historic deadlines are fast approaching!
I am working on laying out the pictures and stories associated with them and need all the help I can get! I am especially looking for pictures that relate to the Playhouse in the Park, the various ethnic carnivals, and park users. Here are the general ground rules for these:
The earlier the shot was taken, the better, though I am not opposed to something a little more modern.
Please identify all of the people in the pictures that you can.
Please contact me about submission. If you wish to scan and send, there are certain specifications set forth by my publisher that must be met. If you wish to send the pictures, I can give you my address and we can talk about your wishes for returning those pictures.
Finally, I will be posting pictures from the Franklin Park Coalition's collection and would love to identify some of the park users from the 1970s and 1980s and give people the opportunity to yeah or nay their photos. Please keep checking in over the next few weeks as I will be getting those up ASAP!
Thanks to all for their support as I round third!
Julie Arrison

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